Affiliated Researchers

Professor Dr. Xenia von Tippelskirch

Xenia von Tippelskirch (PhD European University Institute, Florence 
2003, Habil. Humboldt University Berlin 2019) is Professor at the 
Historisches Seminar Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Director of theIFRA (SHS) / Institut français Frankfurt. Her interests are the 
history of bodies in religious dissent in Early Modern Europe, the 
history of mystical movements and spiritual childhood in early modern 
France and Germany and the history of knowledge transfer accross 
denominational and political borders. In the context of POLY she will 
contribute to the decentralization of religious history focussing on dissenting movements.

Professor Dr. Marco Cavarzere

Marco Cavarzere (PhD 2009, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) is researcher at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. He publishes on the histories of communication and ideas, on confessional cultures as well as the Protestant Reformation, and on early modern statehood and administrative history. His research focuses on the polycentric and  pluralistic nature of ecclesiastical (including papal) jurisdictions in global context.

Dr. Cecilia Cristellon


Cecilia Cristellon (PhD in History 2005, European University Institute) is a research fellow for the Chair of Early Modern History at Goethe University Frankfurt, where she works on 'Architectures of Order: Practices and Discourses between Design and Knowledge,' a project supported by the LOEWE excellence initative of the State of Hessen. Her research focuses on interreligious contacts and conflicts (including mixed marriages and rites of passage) in the Roman congregations during the early modern era, analysing ecclesiastical courts and the polycentric administration of religious difference.

Dr. Elke Morlok


Dr. Niels Eggerz


Dr. Cesare Santus


Dr. Cesare Santus works on confessional dynamics within the Eastern Christian communities of the Ottoman Empire (with a focus on the Armenians) and the role of the Roman Inquisition with respect to the doctrinal problems posed by Catholic missions in the East. He is the author of Trasgressioni necessarie. Communicatio in sacris, coesistenza e conflitti tra le comunità cristiane orientali (2019) and various articles on eastern Christians and the Muslim presence in Italy.