

Our team organizes and coordinates the Research Group. Team members also conduct their own research on the polycentricity and plurality of premodern Christianities.

Picture credit: Detail of "The Council of Florence", appr. 1440, unknown artist (public domain).


Hailing from the fields of Jewish studies, romance literature, and theology, our 3 Frankfurt Fellows greatly enrich the interdisciplinary work of the POLY Research Group. Together with the directors, they supervise the research group’s work on the lines of approach to the main research areas in the Frankfurt Grid.

Picture credit: Detail of the altar of the Allerheiligenaltar of the Stadtkirche Murrhardt, copyright by Peter Schmelzle (Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0)


The POLY Research Group fellowship program provides scholars with the opportunity to join us at the Goethe University Frankfurt for a maximum of 6 months to conduct research and participate in our activities. Frankfurt is one of the most vibrant, well-connected cities in Germany or the EU. Fellowship support typically includes lodging, travel expenses, and/or teaching release funds.

Picture Credit: Detail of the ceiling of the Monastery of Debre Berhan Selassie, Gondar, Ethiopia, © A.Savin, WikiCommons

The POLY Research Group fellowship program provides scholars also with the opportunity to join us at the Goethe University Frankfurt for short periods to conduct research and participate in our activities. Frankfurt is one of the most vibrant, well-connected cities in Germany or the EU. Short-term fellowship support typically includes lodging, travel expenses.

Picture Credit: Detail of the Duomo di Fidenza (provincia di Parma), public domain.


Affiliated researchers in Frankfurt and elsewhere regularly participate in our meetings and presentations, enriching our research with their perspectives and advice.

Picture Credit: "The Nine Saints" painting in the Abba Pantalewon Monastery near Aksum, Ethiopia, copyright by Ondřej Žváček (Licence CC BY-SA 3.0)

Urgent Support for Ukrainian Historians / Термінова підтримка українських істориків та історикинь

Note: Due to high demand, we are currently not able to provide further scholarships

POLY offers five scholarships to Ukrainian historians who are forced to leave their country. Scholarships consist of 3000 € per month each and are initially limited to four months. They address post-doctoral scholars in medieval and early modern history with a focus on religious plurality.
There is no deadline and no formal application.

POLY пропонує п'ять стипендій для українськиї істориків та історикинь, які вимушені покинути свою країну. Сума стипендії становить 3.000 євро щомісячно, тривалістю щонайменше чотири місяці. До подачі заявок запрошуються науковці та науковиці рівня «постдок» за фахом середньовічної та\або ранньомодерної історії релігії та мультирелігійності.
Заявку на стипендію можна подавати у будь який час.