Polycentricity and Plurality of Premodern Christianities (POLY)


The purpose of the POLY research group Polycentricity and Plurality of Premodern Christianities (circa 700–1800 CE), housed at Goethe University Frankfurt and funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), is twofold. First, we aim to facilitate and support comparative interdisciplinary research into preindustrial or premodern Christianities around the globe. Second, we will investigate the ways in which dynamic plurality works as a driving force of change across and within communities of belief. Our primary goal is to decentralise religious history before 1800. We will also historicize and question the unitary and universalist self-images nurtured by institutional churches, as well as the corresponding models of religious culture or transformation found in modern scholarship. This ambitious intellectual agenda is supported by an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars. Together, we hope to more deeply understand the formation of religious communities by local and global forces, as well as the myriad connections among them.

POLY Lecture Series: Summer Term 2023 program is online

The program for the POLY research group's summer term 2023 lecture series is here! This semester will be all about religious practices. The lectures will take place from May 16 to July 11, 2023 on Tuesdays between 06:15pm and 07:45pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend. Join us there in person or online via Zoom!

Auf Zeit gemeinsam forschen - in Sicherheit 

Interview mit Birgit Emich zum gemeinsamen Forschen in der aktuellen GoetheSpektrum Ausgabe 

In dem Artikel "Helfen statt zuschauen" der aktuellen GoetheSpektrum Ausgabe wurden Interviews mit Mitarbeitenden der Goethe-Universität veröffentlicht, die sich in ihrem Berufsfeld für Menschen aus der Ukraine engagieren, ein Zeichen setzen und aktiv helfen. Auch Birgit Emich, die Sprecherin der KFG-POLY spricht über die spannende Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit mit fünf ukrainischen Wissenschenschaftler*innen in der KFG POLY.

„Die Resonanz ist erschreckend gut“

 Interview mit Birgit Emich zu den POLY-Ukraine-Stipendien (Radio Bremen 2, 12. März 2022)

Bereits wenige Tage nach dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine hat der Forschungsverbund „POLY“ Stipendien für ukrainische Historiker*innen ausgeschrieben. Birgit Emich, Leiterin von „POLY“ und Co-Sprecherin der Exzellenz-Initiative „Dynamiken des Religiösen“ erklärt im Gespräch mit Bremen-2-Moderator Nikolas Golsch die Motivation hinter dem Programm, verweist auf seine wissenschaftlichen Chancen für den Forschungsverbund und betont, wie rasch die Stipendien vergeben waren.

Urgent Support for Ukrainian Historians / Термінова підтримка українських істориків та історикинь

Note: Due to high demand, we are currently not able to provide further scholarship

POLY offers five scholarships to Ukrainian historians who are forced to leave their country. Scholarships consist of 3000 € per month each and are initially limited to four months. They address post-doctoral scholars in medieval and early modern history with a focus on religious plurality.
There is no deadline and no formal application.

POLY пропонує п'ять стипендій для українськиї істориків та історикинь, які вимушені покинути свою країну. Сума стипендії становить 3.000 євро щомісячно, тривалістю щонайменше чотири місяці. До подачі заявок запрошуються науковці та науковиці рівня «постдок» за фахом середньовічної та\або ранньомодерної історії релігії та мультирелігійності.
Заявку на стипендію можна подавати у будь який час.

Evening Lecture
Summer Term 2023 POLY Lecture Series on Religious Practices

Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge)
Talking Toleration. Speech, Silence, and Religious Coexistence in Early Modern England

Tuesday, May 16 2023
06:15 - 07:45 pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend or online via Zoom.

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion I“

Renate Dürr (Tübingen):

"Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the "Neue Welt-Bott": The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia "

Tuesday, February 7 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion“

Bernard Heyberger (Paris):

"Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"

Tuesday, January 24 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Fellow Lectures 

Klaus-Peter Todt: "Patriarch Dositheos II of Jerusalem (1669-1707) and his history of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem" 
Tuesday, July 5 2022, 14:00-16:00, Seminarhaus 1.106, Campus Westend

Simon Ditchfield: "Rome-calling? Rewriting th Catholic Reformation for the 21th century" 
Wednesday, July 13 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Samuel Weber: "Burning Hearts: The Second Media Revolution and the Making of the Cult of the Sacred Heart, c. 1670-1800"
Wednesday, July 20 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Evening Lecture
Summer Term 2023 POLY Lecture Series on Religious Practices

Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge)
Talking Toleration. Speech, Silence, and Religious Coexistence in Early Modern England

Tuesday, May 16 2023
06:15 - 07:45 pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend or online via Zoom.

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion I“

Renate Dürr (Tübingen):

"Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the "Neue Welt-Bott": The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia "

Tuesday, February 7 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion“

Bernard Heyberger (Paris):

"Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"

Tuesday, January 24 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Fellow Lectures 

Klaus-Peter Todt: "Patriarch Dositheos II of Jerusalem (1669-1707) and his history of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem" 
Tuesday, July 5 2022, 14:00-16:00, Seminarhaus 1.106, Campus Westend

Simon Ditchfield: "Rome-calling? Rewriting th Catholic Reformation for the 21th century" 
Wednesday, July 13 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Samuel Weber: "Burning Hearts: The Second Media Revolution and the Making of the Cult of the Sacred Heart, c. 1670-1800"
Wednesday, July 20 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

The purpose of the POLY research group Polycentricity and Plurality of Premodern Christianities (circa 700–1800 CE), housed at Goethe University Frankfurt and funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), is twofold. First, we aim to facilitate and support comparative interdisciplinary research into preindustrial or premodern Christianities around the globe. Second, we will investigate the ways in which dynamic plurality works as a driving force of change across and within communities of belief. Our primary goal is to decentralise religious history before 1800. We will also historicize and question the unitary and universalist self-images nurtured by institutional churches, as well as the corresponding models of religious culture or transformation found in modern scholarship. This ambitious intellectual agenda is supported by an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars. Together, we hope to more deeply understand the formation of religious communities by local and global forces, as well as the myriad connections among them.

POLY Lecture Series: Summer Term 2023 program is online

The program for the POLY research group's summer term 2023 lecture series is here! This semester will be all about religious practices. The lectures will take place from May 16 to July 11, 2023 on Tuesdays between 06:15pm and 07:45pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend. Join us there in person or online via Zoom!

Auf Zeit gemeinsam forschen - in Sicherheit 

Interview mit Birgit Emich zum gemeinsamen Forschen in der aktuellen GoetheSpektrum Ausgabe 

In dem Artikel "Helfen statt zuschauen" der aktuellen GoetheSpektrum Ausgabe wurden Interviews mit Mitarbeitenden der Goethe-Universität veröffentlicht, die sich in ihrem Berufsfeld für Menschen aus der Ukraine engagieren, ein Zeichen setzen und aktiv helfen. Auch Birgit Emich, die Sprecherin der KFG-POLY spricht über die spannende Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit mit fünf ukrainischen Wissenschenschaftler*innen in der KFG POLY.

„Die Resonanz ist erschreckend gut“

 Interview mit Birgit Emich zu den POLY-Ukraine-Stipendien (Radio Bremen 2, 12. März 2022)

Bereits wenige Tage nach dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine hat der Forschungsverbund „POLY“ Stipendien für ukrainische Historiker*innen ausgeschrieben. Birgit Emich, Leiterin von „POLY“ und Co-Sprecherin der Exzellenz-Initiative „Dynamiken des Religiösen“ erklärt im Gespräch mit Bremen-2-Moderator Nikolas Golsch die Motivation hinter dem Programm, verweist auf seine wissenschaftlichen Chancen für den Forschungsverbund und betont, wie rasch die Stipendien vergeben waren.

Urgent Support for Ukrainian Historians / Термінова підтримка українських істориків та історикинь

Note: Due to high demand, we are currently not able to provide further scholarship

POLY offers five scholarships to Ukrainian historians who are forced to leave their country. Scholarships consist of 3000 € per month each and are initially limited to four months. They address post-doctoral scholars in medieval and early modern history with a focus on religious plurality.
There is no deadline and no formal application.

POLY пропонує п'ять стипендій для українськиї істориків та історикинь, які вимушені покинути свою країну. Сума стипендії становить 3.000 євро щомісячно, тривалістю щонайменше чотири місяці. До подачі заявок запрошуються науковці та науковиці рівня «постдок» за фахом середньовічної та\або ранньомодерної історії релігії та мультирелігійності.
Заявку на стипендію можна подавати у будь який час.

Evening Lecture
Summer Term 2023 POLY Lecture Series on Religious Practices

Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge)
Talking Toleration. Speech, Silence, and Religious Coexistence in Early Modern England

Tuesday, May 16 2023
06:15 - 07:45 pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend or online via Zoom.

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion I“

Renate Dürr (Tübingen):

"Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the "Neue Welt-Bott": The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia "

Tuesday, February 7 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion“

Bernard Heyberger (Paris):

"Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"

Tuesday, January 24 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Fellow Lectures 

Klaus-Peter Todt: "Patriarch Dositheos II of Jerusalem (1669-1707) and his history of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem" 
Tuesday, July 5 2022, 14:00-16:00, Seminarhaus 1.106, Campus Westend

Simon Ditchfield: "Rome-calling? Rewriting th Catholic Reformation for the 21th century" 
Wednesday, July 13 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Samuel Weber: "Burning Hearts: The Second Media Revolution and the Making of the Cult of the Sacred Heart, c. 1670-1800"
Wednesday, July 20 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Evening Lecture
Summer Term 2023 POLY Lecture Series on Religious Practices

Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge)
Talking Toleration. Speech, Silence, and Religious Coexistence in Early Modern England

Tuesday, May 16 2023
06:15 - 07:45 pm CEST in the Seminarhaus (room SH 2.107) on Campus Westend or online via Zoom.

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion I“

Renate Dürr (Tübingen):

"Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the "Neue Welt-Bott": The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia "

Tuesday, February 7 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lecture on „Space and Religion“

Bernard Heyberger (Paris):

"Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"

Tuesday, January 24 2023, 6:15 - 7:45 pm CET
at Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Space and Religion I (Fall/Winter 2022/2023)

Mihai Grigore: "Religion and Territory. Religious Policy in State Building in the Danubian Principalities from the 14th to 16th Centuries"
Tuesday, November 8 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and online via Zoom

Molly Green: "The Monastic Landscape of the Pindus Mountains"
Tuesday, November 22 2022, 18:10-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Ivan Almes: "Ordering the 'Confessional Space': The Kyvian Uniate Metropolitanate and the Resolutions of the Council of Zamość 1720"
Tuesday, December 6 2022, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom 

Nadine Amsler: "Hidden Spaces: Women and Domestic Religion in Chinese Christianity" 
Tuesday, January 10 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Bernhard Heyberger: "Eastern Christianity: A Central Periphery"
Tuesday, January 24 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Renate Dürr: "Ambiguity and Ambilvalence in the 'Neue Welt-Bott': The Reports on Eastern Christianities in a Jesuit Cultural Encyclopedia" 
Tuesday 7 February 2023, 18:15-19:45, Seminarhaus 4.105, Campus Westend and via Zoom

Frankfurt POLY Lectures: Fellow Lectures 

Klaus-Peter Todt: "Patriarch Dositheos II of Jerusalem (1669-1707) and his history of the Patriarchs of Jerusalem" 
Tuesday, July 5 2022, 14:00-16:00, Seminarhaus 1.106, Campus Westend

Simon Ditchfield: "Rome-calling? Rewriting th Catholic Reformation for the 21th century" 
Wednesday, July 13 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

Samuel Weber: "Burning Hearts: The Second Media Revolution and the Making of the Cult of the Sacred Heart, c. 1670-1800"
Wednesday, July 20 2022, 18:00-20:00, Seminarhaus 0.106, Campus Westend

POLY is part of