Dr. Simone I. M. Pratelli


Since April 2017: Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Scientific Assistant at the Research Centre for Aramean Studies at the Department of History.

April 2016 - March 2017: University of Konstanz, Scientific Assistant at the Research Centre for Aramean Studies at the Department of History and Sociology.

Since 2012: University of Pisa, Expert Scholar (Cultore della materia) in Syriac Language and Literature at the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge.

2009–2012: University of Pisa, Ph.D. (Dottorato di Ricerca) in “Oriental Studies: Egypt, Near and Middle East”, specialising in Syriac Language and Literature. Defended thesis in philology and textual criticism: “Gregory Barhebraeus’ Commentary on the Twelve Prophets in the Storehouse of Mysteries. Introduction, Critical Text, and Translation”.

2005–2008: University of Pisa, M.A. (Laurea Specialistica) programme in Humanities, “Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East” (curriculum in Semitics) specialising in Hebrew Language and Literature. Defended dissertation in philology and textual criticism: “Il testo dei Mishle Sendebar nei testimoni manoscritti della Bodleian Library. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento”.

2001–2005: University of Milan, B.A. (Laurea Triennale) programme in Humanities, “Classics” (curriculum in Linguistics) with specialisation in Hebrew Language and Literature. Defended dissertation in comparative linguistics and semantics: “La giustizia e i suoi nomi in ebraico sullo sfondo delle altre lingue semitiche”.
