Picture Credits

Image Credits

All images (with the exception of of Ibn Hawqal's map of the Nile Delta) were sourced from Wikimedia Commons. These images depicting historical works are without copyright restrictions, or have been made freely available by the copyright holder.

The following list contains information for each image: the name of the image, its source URL, licensing information, and (where possible) the copyright holder.

Start Page:

The image is a composite using various pictures of Jesus from the medieval and early modern periods. The following images were used:

First row, from left to right

Second row, from left to right

Third row, from left to right

People Page


Frankfurt Fellows


Short Term Fellows:

Affiliated Researchers

 Research Page

Project "Heavenly Brokers"

Project "Latin and Oriental Christianities"

  • “Groupe des évêque chaldéens réunis en 1894, sous la présidence du délégué apostolique Mgr Henri Altmayer, pour choisir un patriarche successeur d'Élie XII (l'élu fut Ebed-Jésu V)," photographic detail from Joseph Tfinkdji, „L'Eglise chaldéene catholique. Autrefois et Aujourd'hui,“ Annuaire pontifical catholique 17 (1914): 466 (public domain).

Project "Topography of Christianities"

  • Map of the Nile Delta, manuscript of Ibn Ḥawqal's Al-Masālik wa-al-mamālik, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France, Ms arab 2214, f. 12r, image provided by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (public domain).

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