Dr. Vitalii Tkachuk

POLY Ukraine Research Fellow

Deputy director of the City Museum «Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine», Kyiv.

The déjà vu effect: Western sources of the Kyiv-Pechersk graphics from the 17th to the first half of the 18th century

During the 15th to the first half of the 16th century Ruthenian sacred art, primarily icon-painting, developed in a rather isolated environment from Western art centres, feeding primarily on impulses from Greece, the Balkans, the Principality of Moldavia, thus remaining within the boundaries of Pax Orthodoxa. Changes in the socio-political and cultural life of Rus' in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, facilitated by printed graphics, entailed a "visual turn" which opened up new media channels of communication with the Catholic and Protestant worlds. Already the first orthodox publications, which appeared in Krakow at the end of the 15th century, featured engravings from German books.
In the second half of the 16th century, when printing houses began to appear in the Ruthenian lands of the Rzeczpospolita, this practice was largely abandoned, having learned to make copies first of individual graphic elements, and during the 17th century already professional copies. Behind such a change of reception of the Western samples are radical changes in religious culture, reducing the cultural distance between East and West Europe.
The focus of my study will be the reception of Western graphics in engravings from liturgical editions of one of the most influential printing houses in the Ruthenian lands - the Orthodox Kyiv-Pechersk monastery, founded in 1616. The complex involvement and interpretation of a large number of sources requires the following tasks:
1.    Carry out a "DNA test" of the pre-Modern religious graphics of the Kyiv-Pechersk monastery regarding its dependence on Western sources.
2.    To explore the nature of adaptation, interpretation and recontextualization of Western images by Kyiv masters, which allows to reconstruct the cultural filter through which they let Western images, applying compositional, stylistic and especially ideological corrections. This makes it possible to see in the temporal dynamics the process of transformation of foreign images into their own, forming a regional artistic landscape.
3.    To bring Kyiv's graphic art into the historiographic discourse of global early modern art as a recipient and cultural mediator through which modified Western images reached the printing houses of the Russian Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Danubian principalities, etc.

  • Research Assistant in the project "Research in Ukrainian archives for traces of the Jaroszynski family", University of Freiburg (December 2019 - January 2020)
  • Research Assistant in the project DFG SFB 1369: Vigilance Cultures. Transformations - Spaces - Techniques, LMU München (July 2019 - December 2019)
  • Research Assistant in the project “Invention of Tradition: The Kyiv Metropolis in Search of its Path between Rome, Constantinople, Wittenberg, Warsaw and Moscow (1596-1720), LMU München (July 2019 - June 2020)
  • Deputy director of the City Museum «Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine», Kyiv (2018-2022)
  • PhD Dissertation Defence in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
    Title of dissertation: Ukrainian Orthodox Antimensions of the XVII – XVIII centuries: system of functioning and meaning [Українські православні антимінси XVII–XVIII ст.: система функціонування та смислове навантаження], supervisor: prof. Vasyl Ulianovsky. (2018)
  • Research Associate in the research projects "The Eastern Slavs in search of supra-regional identities (from the end of the 15th to the middle of the 18th century) in the context of modern nation-building", German Historical Institute Moscow, Gerda Henkel Foundation (January 2016 - December 2018)
  • Studies at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of History, Chair of Medieval History (2008-2014)
  • Global Art Networks
  • Religious Culture of the Early Modern Metropolitanate of Kyiv
  • A Cultural History of Memory
  • “Ukrainian history in the pan-European context of the early modern period", (AZ 16/FI/22, Gerda Henkel Foundation, (May - November 2022)
  • Travel Grants, Orthodox Theological Society in America (2018)
  • Dissertation Research Grants, The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US (2017)
  • Program «Artes Liberales» (work in libraries and archives), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (October 2016)
  • ‘Antyminses and the Tradition of Liturgical Commemoration in the Kyivan Orthodox Metropolitanate during the 17th and 18th Centuries‘, Inaugural Conference Pan-Orthodox Unity and Conciliarity (IOTA), 9-12 January 2019 Iasi, Romania.
  • ‘The Problem of the Hypostasis in the Old Russian Icon “Wisdom of God” from the end of the 19th to the first half of the 20th Century’. Unfading Light: Creativity and Prayer in 20th Century Russian Orthodoxy. Wolfson College, University of Oxford, 7-8th March 2019.

  1. Rus-Ukraine and Western Culture, XV-XVIII c., in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 110-161, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  2. Concepts, ideas and myths of early modern Rus-Ukrainian nation in the temporal and regional/subregional dimensions, in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 162-227, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  3. Own Land in the representation of Rus-Ukraine in Early New time, in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 228-295, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  4. 'Помста, самозахист і давні українські (не)сакральні образи' [Revenge, self-defence, and ancient Ukrainian (non)sacred images], Antykvar, 1-2 (121), 2021, с. 65-75. [in Ukrainian]
  5. 'Мистецтво повторення. Друковані джерела українських ікон XVIII–XIX століть із колекції Понамарчуків' [Printed sources of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Ukrainian icons from the Ponamarchuk collection], Antykvar, 1-2 (121), 2021, с. 40-55. [in Ukrainian]
  6. 'The Prayer Rope in the Monastic Culture of the 15-18th Century Kyiv Metropolitanate', Sobornost, (43.1), Oxford, 2021, pp. 38-64.
  7. 'Екатерина II в поисках Рюриковичей в Украине в конце XVIII в.' [Catherine II's search for Rurikovich in Ukraine at the end of the 18th century], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (32), 2020, pp. 221-230. [in Russian]
  8. 'Eastern Christian relics in Ukraine in the late 17th and 18th centuries', South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean Proceedings of the Session held at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019), ed, by Ioana Feodorov, Brăila, 2020, pp. 73-94.
  9. '"Руская вера" кон. XVI-первой пол. XVII в.' [The Russian faith of the late sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth century], Religion and Rus', XV-XVIII centuries', ed. A. V. Doronin. Moscow, 2020, pp. 291-311. [in Russian]
  10. '"Пригода" афонського архімандрита Косми або історія поширення часточок "Животворного Древа" в Київській митрополії у середині XVIII ст.' [The 'Adventure' of the Athonite Archimandrite Kosma or the Story of the Distribution of the Particles of the 'Life-Giving Tree' in the Kyiv Metropolitanate in the mid-18th century], SOCIUM. Almanac on Social History. Kyiv, (15-16), 2020, с. 317-356, co-authored with Prokop'yuk O. [in Ukrainian]
  11. 'Підношення ладану і воску ніжинським грецьким братством Київському митрополиту в XVIII ст.: податок чи дар?'  [The offering of incense and wax by the Greek brotherhood of Nizhyn to the Metropolitan of Kyiv in the 18th century: tax or gift?], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (31), 2019, pp. 205-211. [in Ukrainian]
  12. 'Древние храмы и обители Украины в исторической памяти православной руси XVII в.' [Ancient churches and monasteries of Ukraine in the historical memory of Orthodox rus' of the XVII century], "Memory spaces" of  rus' of the late XV - mid XVIII centuries, ed. A. V. Doronin, Moscow, 2019, pp. 313-334. [in Russian]
  13. 'Культы древнерусских святых в Киевской митрополии XVII-первой половины XVIII в. как инструмент исторической и политической легитимации' [The Cults of Old Russian Saints in the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the 17th - first half of the 18th century as an Instrument of Historical and Political Legitimization], ed. A.V. Doronin. Narratives of rus' in the late fifteenth to mid-eighteenth century: in search of their history, Moscow, 2018, pp. 385-408. [in Russian]
  14. 'Символіка антимінса як дару в Православній Церкві XVII – XVIII ст.' [The Symbolism of Antimension as a Gift in the Orthodox Church XVII-XVIII centuries]. EMINAK. Scientific quarterly, 2 (18. 1), Kyiv - Mykolaiv, 2017, pp. 10–18. [in Ukrainian]
  15. 'Гетман Иван Мазепа и актуализация культов древнерусских святых' [Hetman Ivan Mazepa and the actualisation of Old Rus' saints' cults], ed. A.V. Doronin. Ancient Rus' after Ancient Rus'. Discourse of East Slavic (not)unity, Moscow, 2017, pp. 307–325. [in Russian]
  16. 'Попытка создания подворья Афонской Лавры Св. Афанасия в крепости Св. Елизаветы (1760 – 1766 гг.' [An attempt to establish a methoh of St Athanasius' Lavra of Athos in the fortress of St Elizabeth (1760 - 1766)], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (25),  Kyiv, 2016, pp. 99-107. [in Russian]
  17. '«Да исправится молитва моя, яко кадило пред Тобою»: кадження у парафіях Київської митрополії XVII – XVIII століть' [“Let my prayer be set before Thee as incense ": censing on the parishes of the Kyiv Metropolitan Church of the 17th - 18th century"], Ukrainian Archaeographical Yearbook 18 (21), 2013, pp. 245-272. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Der Heiligenkult im ukrainischen konfessionellen, politischen und nationalen Diskurs (17.-21. Jh.), in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, co-authored with Dr. Nataliia Sinkevych.
  2. Western Sources of Kyiv Prints of the 1720-40s: the Case of Averkiy Kozachkovskyi, in Print Quarterly.
  3. 'The religious life of the Nezhin Greeks', in: Iannis Carras and Eugene Chernukhin (eds.), The Balkan Merchants of Nezhin 17th-19th centuries, Black Sea History Project Working Papers, volume 13.
  4. Calogue of Ukrainian icons from the XV-XVIII centuries from the Kyiv collection of the Ponamarchuk family (together with Dr. Agnieszka Gronek, Krakow).

  1. Rus-Ukraine and Western Culture, XV-XVIII c., in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 110-161, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  2. Concepts, ideas and myths of early modern Rus-Ukrainian nation in the temporal and regional/subregional dimensions, in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 162-227, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  3. Own Land in the representation of Rus-Ukraine in Early New time, in: A. V. Doronin (ed.), When are nations born in eastern Europe?, Bonn-Vilnius, 2022, pp. 228-295, co-authored with V. Ulianovsky, N. Sinkevych, A. Bovgyria.
  4. 'Помста, самозахист і давні українські (не)сакральні образи' [Revenge, self-defence, and ancient Ukrainian (non)sacred images], Antykvar, 1-2 (121), 2021, с. 65-75. [in Ukrainian]
  5. 'Мистецтво повторення. Друковані джерела українських ікон XVIII–XIX століть із колекції Понамарчуків' [Printed sources of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Ukrainian icons from the Ponamarchuk collection], Antykvar, 1-2 (121), 2021, с. 40-55. [in Ukrainian]
  6. 'The Prayer Rope in the Monastic Culture of the 15-18th Century Kyiv Metropolitanate', Sobornost, (43.1), Oxford, 2021, pp. 38-64.
  7. 'Екатерина II в поисках Рюриковичей в Украине в конце XVIII в.' [Catherine II's search for Rurikovich in Ukraine at the end of the 18th century], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (32), 2020, pp. 221-230. [in Russian]
  8. 'Eastern Christian relics in Ukraine in the late 17th and 18th centuries', South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean Proceedings of the Session held at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019), ed, by Ioana Feodorov, Brăila, 2020, pp. 73-94.
  9. '"Руская вера" кон. XVI-первой пол. XVII в.' [The Russian faith of the late sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth century], Religion and Rus', XV-XVIII centuries', ed. A. V. Doronin. Moscow, 2020, pp. 291-311. [in Russian]
  10. '"Пригода" афонського архімандрита Косми або історія поширення часточок "Животворного Древа" в Київській митрополії у середині XVIII ст.' [The 'Adventure' of the Athonite Archimandrite Kosma or the Story of the Distribution of the Particles of the 'Life-Giving Tree' in the Kyiv Metropolitanate in the mid-18th century], SOCIUM. Almanac on Social History. Kyiv, (15-16), 2020, с. 317-356, co-authored with Prokop'yuk O. [in Ukrainian]
  11. 'Підношення ладану і воску ніжинським грецьким братством Київському митрополиту в XVIII ст.: податок чи дар?'  [The offering of incense and wax by the Greek brotherhood of Nizhyn to the Metropolitan of Kyiv in the 18th century: tax or gift?], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (31), 2019, pp. 205-211. [in Ukrainian]
  12. 'Древние храмы и обители Украины в исторической памяти православной руси XVII в.' [Ancient churches and monasteries of Ukraine in the historical memory of Orthodox rus' of the XVII century], "Memory spaces" of  rus' of the late XV - mid XVIII centuries, ed. A. V. Doronin, Moscow, 2019, pp. 313-334. [in Russian]
  13. 'Культы древнерусских святых в Киевской митрополии XVII-первой половины XVIII в. как инструмент исторической и политической легитимации' [The Cults of Old Russian Saints in the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the 17th - first half of the 18th century as an Instrument of Historical and Political Legitimization], ed. A.V. Doronin. Narratives of rus' in the late fifteenth to mid-eighteenth century: in search of their history, Moscow, 2018, pp. 385-408. [in Russian]
  14. 'Символіка антимінса як дару в Православній Церкві XVII – XVIII ст.' [The Symbolism of Antimension as a Gift in the Orthodox Church XVII-XVIII centuries]. EMINAK. Scientific quarterly, 2 (18. 1), Kyiv - Mykolaiv, 2017, pp. 10–18. [in Ukrainian]
  15. 'Гетман Иван Мазепа и актуализация культов древнерусских святых' [Hetman Ivan Mazepa and the actualisation of Old Rus' saints' cults], ed. A.V. Doronin. Ancient Rus' after Ancient Rus'. Discourse of East Slavic (not)unity, Moscow, 2017, pp. 307–325. [in Russian]
  16. 'Попытка создания подворья Афонской Лавры Св. Афанасия в крепости Св. Елизаветы (1760 – 1766 гг.' [An attempt to establish a methoh of St Athanasius' Lavra of Athos in the fortress of St Elizabeth (1760 - 1766)], Proceedings of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy, (25),  Kyiv, 2016, pp. 99-107. [in Russian]
  17. '«Да исправится молитва моя, яко кадило пред Тобою»: кадження у парафіях Київської митрополії XVII – XVIII століть' [“Let my prayer be set before Thee as incense ": censing on the parishes of the Kyiv Metropolitan Church of the 17th - 18th century"], Ukrainian Archaeographical Yearbook 18 (21), 2013, pp. 245-272. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Der Heiligenkult im ukrainischen konfessionellen, politischen und nationalen Diskurs (17.-21. Jh.), in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, co-authored with Dr. Nataliia Sinkevych.
  2. Western Sources of Kyiv Prints of the 1720-40s: the Case of Averkiy Kozachkovskyi, in Print Quarterly.
  3. 'The religious life of the Nezhin Greeks', in: Iannis Carras and Eugene Chernukhin (eds.), The Balkan Merchants of Nezhin 17th-19th centuries, Black Sea History Project Working Papers, volume 13.
  4. Calogue of Ukrainian icons from the XV-XVIII centuries from the Kyiv collection of the Ponamarchuk family (together with Dr. Agnieszka Gronek, Krakow).